jQuery.Gantt — Draw Gantt charts with the famous jQuery ease of development


When looking for an implementation for a jQuery Gantt Solution, i stumbled upon the nice work of Marek Bielańczuk and Tait Brown.
While the widget looked promising, unfortunately, the performance was poor (rendering time several seconds for ~ 100 Items in week view, over a minute in day view).
 I took the liberty an rewrote parts of the original code, boosting performance and adding a couple of features.

Comments are always welcome!

Changes for 1.2

Changes for 1.1

Main changes:

New features


Gantt Configuration

	source: "ajax/data.json",
	scale: "weeks",
	minScale: "weeks",
	maxScale: "months"
Parameter Default Accepts Type
source null Array, String (url)
itemsPerPage 7 Number
months ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] Array
days ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"] Array
navigate "buttons" String ("buttons","scroll")
scale "days" String
maxScale "months" String
minScale "hours" String
waitText "Please Wait..." String
onItem: [] an Array containing the events for the empty aera of the datapanel. You can bind multiple events, e.g mouseOver ond click, each binding to a different function..


onItem :
    event: 'click',
    func: function (e, data) {
        var i = data.id;
        alert("Would call out to server for editing item " + i);
        event: 'mouseover',
        func: function (e, data) {
            $("#mouseover").html("Hover over item: " + data.id);
        event: 'resize',
        func: function (e, data, newValues) {
            var startdate = new Date(parseInt(newValues.startDate));
            var enddate = new Date(parseInt(newValues.endDate));
            alert("StartDate: " + startdate + ", EndDate:" + enddate);

In case of using resize jQuery.resizable must be included.
The parameter passed to the function is the event, the dataobject for the item, and a object containing the new value after resize (startDate or endDate). Only the changed value is supplied - e.g. resize on the right: endDate
onEmptyCell [] an Array containing the events for the empty aera of the datapanel. You can bind multiple events, e.g mouseOver ond click, each binding to a different function..


onEmptyCell :
	event: 'dblclick',
	func: function(dt, rowId(
			alert('Double Clicked');

 JS Function that gets called when clicking on a Gantt-Item.
The parameter passed to the function is the DateTime in ms for the clicked Cell, and the ID if the source object (row)
resizeable false boolean
Indicated wether the items can be resized. jQuery.UI.resizable must be included for this to work.
onResize function (data, newValues){return} a JS Function that gets called when resizable is true and an items got resized.
The parameter passed to the function is the dataobject for the item, and a object containing the new value after resize (startDate or endDate). Only the changed value is supplied - e.g. resize on the right: endDate
useCookie true boolean
indicates if cookies should be used to track the chart's state (scale, scrollposition) between postpacks
jquery.cookie.js needs to be referenced for this to work
scrollToToday true boolean
indicates if the chart should scroll to today's date on loading.

Source Configuration

source: [{
	name: "Example",
	desc: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.",
	values: [ ... ]
Parameter Default Accepts Type Meaning
name null String Bold value in the left-most column of the gantt row.
desc null String Secondary value in the gantt row.
values null Array Collection of date ranges for gantt items. See next table.

Value Configuration

values: [{
	to: "/Date(1328832000000)/",
	from: "/Date(1333411200000)/",
	desc: "Something",
	label: "Example Value",
	customClass: "ganttRed",
	dataObj: foo.bar[i]
Parameter Accepts Type Meaning
to String (Date) -
from String (Date) -
desc String Text that appears on hover, I think?
label String Appears on the gantt item.
customClass String Custom class to be applied to the gantt item.
dataObj All A data object that is applied directly to the gantt item.